Here's a tipple to tame Winter's blustery temperament, that'll transport one's tastebuds to more tranquil times and put some colour back into those windswept cheeks.

Blush & Bloom is a floral and fruity cocktail - topped with a herby foam - created by Massimo Tamburrano at The Milestone hotel cosy Stables bar at the Milestone, where one can always seek sanctuary from the weather and warm one's cockles in luxurious leisure.

But if the thought of leaving the house today is a tad too much then why not spare yourself from the storm and stir up this concoction in the comfort of your own home?


40 ml Broken Clock Vodka

15 ml Strawberry Syrup

20 ml Lime Juice

15 ml Aperol

Basil Foam


Chill a suitable cocktail vessel. Fill a mixing glass or cocktail tin with plenty of ice and add the Broken Clock vodka, strawberry syrup, lime juice and Aperol and stir until very cold.

Strain into your cocktail glass and top with the basil foam. This can be made at home by combining 100ml of homemade basil syrup with two egg whites or 60ml of chickpea water and a squeeze of lemon before dry-shaking vigorously or whipping with a cream siphon.

For the basil syrup simply dissolve equal parts of granulated sugar and water in a hob before turning off the heat, adding a handful of basil leaves stirring for a few minutes before straining and storing in the fridge.